Needless to say, I’ve been away from bloggyland for a while. Without getting into details, I’ll just say that the last few weeks have been difficult… personal problems…. blah… blah… Maybe I’ll blog about it some time in the future… or maybe not. Depends on how things go.
Anyway, now that things are hopefully getting back to normal, I find myself looking forward to a more regular posting schedule. When I resurfaced, one of the first things I found was that WordPress had a new version out. Version 2.5. Everybody’s talking about it. Has anyone upgraded? I also hear that there are some theme compatibility issues with the new version? Hmm… sounds like upgrading to the latest version will be a big job. A couple of months ago when I shifted to my own domain, I had upgraded to version 2.3 without any hassles. This time, given what I’ve been reading, I’m not so sure, even though there is an Automatic Upgrade plugin. I hope they come out with version 3 soon 

While on the topic of shifting to my own domain, I’m supposed to be answering Pete‘s question on why I shifted (sorry Pete, for the delay).
I started this blog to keep in touch with friends and family. From the start, I always wanted my own domain. But when I started blogging, I didn’t know if I’d be serious about the whole thing. Normally quiet and reserved, I didn’t know whether I’d actually blog regularly and so on. So I figured in a few months the blog would die a natural death and that would be the end of my blogging stint. Not because my daughter doesn’t give me enough to talk about, but more because of my taciturn nature. Then I found that I liked it. Making fun of my little angel is rewarding enough to make me want to keep going.
That’s basically what my blog is about.

This is one of the few posts that’s not dedicated to her and her crazy antics. And now, as she starts school next month, I have a feeling there will be plenty of entertainment to look forward to. So that’s why I shifted… I’ve been blogging over a year now, albeit irregularly, but still enjoying it. And I have no plans to stop anytime soon.
Speaking of friends and family, I get email from said friends and family telling me that they read my blog regularly (you know who you are!). Why then, don’t you comment? Hmm?? Why??? OK… maybe if I promise to post regularly?